What is the Harm Reduction Program?
Mobile Health Van: We provide free safe injection supplies, syringe exchange services, Naloxone (Narcan) training and distribution, Recovery Coaching, Condom distribution, select immunizations, HIV and Hepatitis C testing.
Support the health and well-being of people that use substances.
Link people to treatment, medical care, housing, and other vital services.
Reduce the spread of blood-borne infections such as HIV & Hepatitis C.
·Provide confidential access to harm reduction supplies.
When and Where?
The mobile health van is in each county on a weekly rotation:
Monday - Schoolcraft County
Tuesday– Alger County
Wednesday– Luce County
Thursday– Mackinac County
For further location details call (906) 322-4444.
If you have questions or would like more details, call:
(906) 322-4444
Please use the form below if you would like to refer someone to our program.
Peer Recovery Coach/Harm Reduction Referral Form
Please click here to submit your referral form by email.
Or your form can be faxed to
(906) 387-2224