To make a referral, you can use our electronic form, fill out our paper form, or call us and we will take your referral over the phone!
Contact Us
Parenting is one of the most important, rewarding, and challenging jobs a person will ever do. Healthy Families Upper Peninsula (HFUP) is here to come alongside families and provide support on the parenting journey.
Participation in HFUP is voluntary. The HFUP program focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship to assure healthy child growth and development. Home visitors support parents in cultivating and strengthening a nurturing, positive relationship with their baby at each visit. Parents receive information on topics like child development, infant care and keeping their baby healthy, and get connected to other events and programs in their communities that help to support new families.
Healthy Families Upper Peninsula is affiliated with Healthy Families America (HFA). Research shows that the quality of the relationship between a parent and their baby is critical for the health, well-being, school-readiness, and later life success of the child. Healthy Families helps parents be their child’s best teacher from the very beginning.