On-Site Water Supply Program
Call your local office for more information on the water supply program:
Luce: (906) 293-5107, ext 303
Mackinac: (906) 643-1100, ext 210
Alger: (906) 387-2297, ext 401
Schoolcraft: (906) 341-6951, ext 110
Private On-site Water Supply System
All seasonal or year-round residential structures require an approved water supply prior to construction. The first step in the process is to submit an application with payment and schedule a site evaluation. Once approved, a permit is issued and a Well Driller, registered with the State of Michigan, can drill your new or replacement well. The owner will receive a packet in the mail containing the permit and water sample bottles. The owner is responsible for taking and sending in the water samples to the Laboratory for Coliform bacteria and Nitrates/Nitrites. The well driller will submit a Well and Pump Record either on Wellogic or to the health department for approval.
Community and Non-community Water Supplies
The Community Water Supply Program oversees the primary EPA program that sets forth minimum standards for safe drinking water as well as administering the requirements of Michigan's Safe Drinking Water Act. The program's primary function is regulatory oversight of approximately 1,425 community public water supplies in Michigan.
A Non-community Water Supply is a water system that provides water for drinking or potable purposes to 25 or more persons at least 60 days per year or has 15 or more service connections.
Michigan is home to nearly 10,000 non-community water supply systems, which includes schools, restaurants, motels, campgrounds, and churches. The Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act (Act 399), enacted in 1976, enabled the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to maintain primacy (state authority) over the drinking water program in our state. The DEQ contracts with local health departments to maintain a non-community water supply program in each county. Non-community water supply staff at DEQ supports the local health departments through training, technical support, and program evaluation.
Types of Community and Non-community Water Supplies are:
Type I Community Public Water Supply
Provides year-round service to not less than 25 residents OR not less than 15 living units. Examples include: Municipalities, Apartments, Nursing Homes and Mobile Home Parks.
Type II Non-transient Non-community Public Water Supply
Serves not less than 25 of the SAME people for at least six months per year. Examples include: Schools, Industries and places of employment.
Type II Transient Non-community Public Water Supply
Serves not less than 25 people OR not less than 15 connections for at least 60 DAYS per year. Examples include: Hotels and Restaurants (with less than 25 employees) and Campgrounds.
Type III Public Water Supply
Anything not considered a Type I or Type II water supply; serves less than 25 people AND 15 connections, or operates for less than 60 days per year. Examples include: Small Apartment Complexes and Condominiums, Duplexes and all others.
Private Water Supply
Serves a single living unit. Examples include: Single Family Home
Revised Total Coliform Rule or RTCR
Seasonal Type 2 water supplies now have additional requirements as of April 1, 2016 due to the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR).
There are now specific start-up, disinfection, and reporting procedures and requirements for seasonal water supplies and distribution systems.
All information regarding the RTCR requirements for seasonal supplies can be found in the guidance document accessed by clicking the link below.
Seasonal Supply Guidance Document
Diagram for Seasonal Distribution Systems
The form available through the following link must be submitted to the LMAS District Health Department Mackinac County office after start-up procedures have been completed.
For more information on the RCTR click the following link.
On-Site Water Supply System Information & Downloads
Residential Water Supply
Type II & Type III Water Supply
Existing Facility Evaluation
Evaluation of location and construction of existing water well and provide water quality analysis. Some home loan programs require an evaluation of private water supplies.
Existing Facility Evaluation Information & Forms