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What is the UP Home Visiting Network?  

The UP HVI is a network of organizations that provide home visiting services to families with children in all 15 counties of the Upper Peninsula. The group meets each month to share best practice and strategies for a more coordinated, effective system. The Home Visiting Network members work together to increase the impact of home visiting services across the entire UP. The group aims to increase awareness of home visiting services and programs and increase the role and voice of parents who utilize home-visiting services in the UP.

What is our vision?

Our vision is that every mother be educated on and offered the opportunity to receive home visiting services at her 1st prenatal appointment or time of delivery regardless of race or economic status. We believe that every family can benefit from home visiting services. This is the instruction book on positive parenting we have all searched for. It is our belief that every parent wants the best start possible for their child and we are here to help make that happen.  

The UP Home Visiting Network is open to any individual working in home visiting services and any parent who is currently or had previously received home visiting services in the Upper Peninsula.  


If you have questions or are interested in joining, please contact us by email or phone.

(906) 293-5107, ext 344


U.P. Home Visiting Network

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting 

(Early Head Start, Family Spirit, Healthy Families UP, MIHP, etc) 

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